New Product Launch: Say Hello Tonies Screen Free Audio Fun For Children

We are excited to share Little Lily & Co now stock Tonies!
A product which is loved by many children, a great screen free alternative which provides fun and exciting methods of learning, connect their favourite character onto a tonies box for hours of fun or a bedtime story to wind down too. You can now shop our range of tonies in-store and online!
- What is a Toniesbox?
A Toniebox combines audio and entertainment for children. When Tonies are placed on the Toniebox, magical worlds of music, adventures and fairy tales open up. After a simple setup, children can use the Toniebox on their own without any problems and turn their imagination into reality.
2. How does it work?
Simply place a Tonie on the Toniebox and the listening fun begins! The story pauses as soon as you remove the Tonie from the Toniebox. If you put the Tonie back on, it continues where you left off. Try it for yourself!
3. What are Tonies Characters?
Tonies are figurines that contain the content that the Toniebox plays. Each Tonie looks unique and contains unique stories and songs. If you place it on the Toniebox, your tonies® adventure begins. If you want to create your own audio adventure, you can also record your own stories onto Creative-Tonies. Shop our range of tonies here
4. How do Creative-Tonies work?
Creative-Tonies are Tonies that can store up to 90 minutes of audio content. You can personalize your Creative-Tonie in your mytonies app and use it however you want. This can be a message from a distant relative, your favourite book that isn't available as a Tonie yet or your current favourite album - and of course there is countless episodes you can access from our ever-growing multilingual Audio Library!
5. How to set it up?
The one-time set up of your Toniebox is the first step towards many, many hours of fun! There are two ways to set up your Toniebox, using the mytonies app or To complete set up, you will need a 2.4GHz WiFi connection, your Toniebox, and the Toniebox Charging Station. Let's get started! If you prefer to watch a video tutorial, check out our Toniebox set up video below:
6. Enjoy and Have Fun with Your New Tonies!